- "The economy sucks 'cuz of liberals, taxes, homos, and immigrants."
- "Iraq's goin' great, so we need to send more Americans there to
diedie for oil company profitsdie 'cuz I need to keep people in fearserve our country'soil companiesinterests." - "The brown terrists could kill every one of us at any time, unless you sign away any and all remaining rights to us."
- "
I want some tacosI'm planning onpaying you all offgiving y'all a tax rebate 'cuz the economy'sin the tankcircling the shitholeabout three minutes from a depression at any given momentslightly weakened bypredatory lending practices and impending government bailouts, just like daddy didthe inability of somelazy-ass browncitizens to pay off their loans."
State of the Disunion
Tonight is the yearly State of the Union address. Naturally, I'm not going to watch, as I'd rather hammer a nail through my schwang. I can give a pretty good guess at what it's going to consist of, though:
george w bush